Can admin update the day type in greytHR for an employee to whom shift is not assigned?
Will changes made by admin for employees' weekday configuration affect the Attendance Info page in greytHR?
What requirements need to be met for Auto-Shift detection to operate effectively in your greytHR account?
How can admin calculate employees’ average work hours on Attendance Info page?
What is the average working hours formula as per the attendance consolidate report in greytHR?
How can admin change the attendance cut off date to avoid duplicate creation of attendance months while processing employees' attendance in greytHR?
Why is admin able to view duplicate months in the Period dropdown list on Attendance Period Finalisation page?
Can admin delete wrongly added shift roster details and upload revised details?
How can admin extract employee-wise swipe details report along with Geofence details for a particular month?
Why is manager unable to view the option to accept attendance regularization requests from their ESS portal?