Why is admin unable to view the overtime option in the Employee Assigment page though overtime policy is added?
Can admin customize the fields displayed on the Attendance Info page?
Why does employee get an error message “Oops something went wrong” while applying for attendance regularization?
What can admin do to avoid the error message “Unable to create a new shift!!! Shift color code index exceeds available shift color code limit” when attempting to create a new shift?
What is the maximum limit for creating shifts?
Why does the Attendance Info page display incorrect day names?
Why does the system ignore the shift overridden in the shift roster after the admin overrides an employee's shift from the shift override tab during attendance processing?
Why does the error message: An error occured while processing this request displayed on the Excel Import page while uploading shift roster importer?
Is it possible to exclude leave hours from the calculation of average work hours on the Attendance Info page?
Can admin delete the attendance scheme assigned to the employees?